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Tamora Pierce Wiki

Hakkoi the Smith (pronounced HAH-koy) was a Living Circle Fire god of smiths, glassmakers, volcanoes, earthquakes and the south.[1][2] He is also known as Hakkoi of the Fire and the Forge.[3] His female counterpart was Shurri Firesword.

Daja Kisubo payed her reference to him for the smith's work she was doing. So did Frostpine, who was not only a smith but also deciated to the gods of fire, especially Hakkoi, as a Fire Dedicate in Winding Circle.

References and Notes

  1. Cold Fire, Cp 5 (p. 76, Scholastic ebook)
  2. Shatterglass, Cp. 3 (p. 44, Scholastic ebook)
  3. Cold Fire, Cp. 2 (p. 23; Scholastic ebook)

See also

  • List of Emelan Gods